=TDA= WOLFBOT is replaced with Warbitz Depot+Fritzbot
^((TDA^))Guerna(B), Mon Aug 14 2006, 10:26am

In an effort to create a gaming community for all the disappointed
players from the Happy Penguin Servers I have decided to convert
the Wolfbot server into a Fritzbot server. TDA server is now called
Warbitz Depot+Fritzbot. There is a server with a similar name that
belongs to Cosmic running shrubmod. We decided to join forces
to get a group of hardcore RTCW gamers together so we will have
a large community when the first RTCW2 Warbitz servers will start.

I did not revoke RCON for those who have it, but i would like to
ask you allways to put the map mp_depot before you leave the server.
The idea is to have a 24/7 Depot server that can attract players.
The server will be like a meeting point for HP , Warbitz and TDA.
Of course we still are meant to have fun with the bots.
These bots are harder to beat though.