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^((TDA^)) The Dark Angels :: Forums :: Gameserver =TDA= ETPRO Public forum
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Just a question

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Wed Aug 03 2011, 04:58pm Print View
[ General of the Army ]
Registered Member #160
Joined: Sun Nov 14 2010, 03:17pm
Posts: 15
Dear all,

My question is purely informative In the past I played a few times on several ET servers. Not sure however which mod was installed on these severs. Strangely enough next to conventional AP mines the engie was also able to plant poison mines. Also, altough I am not sure anymore which class it was, I think CVOps but not sure, could use poisoned gas canisters. Once thrown they give a smoke cloud en make a distinct sound. Enemies in the direct surroundings of the canisters loose health depending on the time they stay next to the canister. If the enemy doesn't move, like some bots or even human players do they die after some time. I was wondering if this is a part of NQ, that needs to be enabled or configured or is this part of a different mod?

Kind regards,

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Wed Aug 03 2011, 05:12pm
[ General of the Army ]

Joined: Sat Feb 11 2006, 12:44pm
Posts: 197
Hi Erwin,
as far as I remember CVOps with poisoned gas canisters were a part of Jaymod.
We played that mode 1 or 2 years ago.
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Wed Aug 03 2011, 11:38pm
[ General of the Army ]
Registered Member #160
Joined: Sun Nov 14 2010, 03:17pm
Posts: 15
^((TDA^))Cris-D50(Ger) wrote ...

Hi Erwin,
as far as I remember CVOps with poisoned gas canisters were a part of Jaymod.
We played that mode 1 or 2 years ago.

Oh ok thanks for the information Chris. Too bad they are not available in NQ because I personally liked them. But as always each mod will have its own advantages and disadvantges .
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hallo Christian
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag !

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