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 First official training of the gaming season

Hi TDA clanmates,

Today, September 1st 2006 we will have our first official traning.
Please connect to teamspeak before connecting to =TDA= server.
Training starts at 21:00 Central European Time. (15:00 EST)
Please try to be punctual.
We will start with the division of the teams and each team will
choose a teamleader. Lots of stuff needs to be talked about
like setting up a ranking system, appointing a war arranger
and training schedule for the different teams.
Training will end at 23:00 CET (17:00 EST)

US and Canadian division will need to set their training as well.
We could have another training on fridays that will start midnight european
time (6 PM USA time) or one on saturday late afternoon US time.
That way European clanmembers can train with US/Canadian members.
All that needs to be discussed in a Teamspeak session.

Try and attend to at least one training a week.
Training days are :
Monday : 19:00 CET
Friday : 21:00 CET
Saturday : ??
^((TDA^))Guerna(B)onFriday 01 September 2006 - 12:41:09
comment: 0

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Member's Birthdays:
No birthdays today

Next birthdays
07/08 Wolf Pack (68)
21/08 ^((TDA^))Macio(PL) (34)
22/08 tazumi (31)
23/08 ((TDA))Pgubacso(RS) (67)


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[07 Jul : 17:40]
Salut Rik, et ben oui Sylvain est de retour. Allez un de ces quatres Rik.
[01 Jul : 22:56]
Ha merci Hey biscuits de retour ?
[05 Jun : 12:28]
Vielen Dank Christian
[03 Jun : 14:10]

Hello William,

[18 Apr : 18:36]

to Ricwar and Batista
bonne fete et de la Santée ,Bonne journée a vous deux .
[20 Mar : 18:36]

I thank you so much for your good wishes!
[27 Feb : 00:20]
allo Christian
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag !
[26 Feb : 20:35]
Cris, a very late birthday wish from holland
[24 Feb : 15:55]
hallo Christian
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag !

Happy Birthday Cris

[24 Feb : 00:06]
Happy birthday Chris-D50

[01 Jan : 21:29]

Happy New Year everyone.
Bonne annee a vous tous .
[01 Jan : 20:38]
best wishes from Holland
[01 Jan : 19:04]
I'm missing Otto..
[01 Jan : 13:34]
I like to wish all the TDA members and their family a splashing, healthyb and prosperous 2024!
[01 Jan : 12:31]

Happy New Year everyone.
Best wishes for the new year 2024. Good helth and all you can wish for.

Webiste TDA-BELGIUM.BE designed by Guerna