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News - Category 'Clan News'
The Secret TDA Files
Wednesday 13 July 2011 - 11:23:15 0
SPQR clanmembers on Dimmi's Wedding Party
Sunday 16 March 2008 - 22:33:38 0
TDA proudly presents their Warteam
Friday 22 June 2007 - 15:46:43 4
The outcome of the big TDA meeting on teampseak
Monday 19 March 2007 - 12:15:28 1
First official training of the gaming season
Friday 01 September 2006 - 12:41:09 0
^((TDA^)) will no longer accept new members
Recruitements now have been closed
Wednesday 09 August 2006 - 12:59:00 0
Training, Clanwars, Ranks
Saturday 15 July 2006 - 19:05:16 0
Come On Pal Enlist
Member's Birthdays:
No birthdays today

Next birthdays
07/08 Wolf Pack (68)
21/08 ^((TDA^))Macio(PL) (34)
22/08 tazumi (31)
23/08 ((TDA))Pgubacso(RS) (67)


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[07 Jul : 17:40]
Salut Rik, et ben oui Sylvain est de retour. Allez un de ces quatres Rik.
[01 Jul : 22:56]
Ha merci Hey biscuits de retour ?
[05 Jun : 12:28]
Vielen Dank Christian
[03 Jun : 14:10]

Hello William,

[18 Apr : 18:36]

to Ricwar and Batista
bonne fete et de la Santée ,Bonne journée a vous deux .
[20 Mar : 18:36]

I thank you so much for your good wishes!
[27 Feb : 00:20]
allo Christian
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag !
[26 Feb : 20:35]
Cris, a very late birthday wish from holland
[24 Feb : 15:55]
hallo Christian
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag !

Happy Birthday Cris

[24 Feb : 00:06]
Happy birthday Chris-D50

[01 Jan : 21:29]

Happy New Year everyone.
Bonne annee a vous tous .
[01 Jan : 20:38]
best wishes from Holland
[01 Jan : 19:04]
I'm missing Otto..
[01 Jan : 13:34]
I like to wish all the TDA members and their family a splashing, healthyb and prosperous 2024!
[01 Jan : 12:31]

Happy New Year everyone.
Best wishes for the new year 2024. Good helth and all you can wish for.

Webiste TDA-BELGIUM.BE designed by Guerna