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 ^((TDA^)) will no longer accept new members

Greetings ^((TDA^)),

Since we have plenty of members allready, we will no longer accept
applications for joining up.
Recruitments are now officially closed so don't bother applying.

We need to take the process step by step.
First we need to get a real structure in the clan.
That means giving each member a task, divide the work.....
There will be a meeting on Teamspeak where we discuss
the future of the clan and how we will get things organised.
Training days are now set on Monday and Friday.
We still need to discuss who trains when.
Since we only have a 16 player server we will have to train
in groups of 16 . We need to set a duty roster for trainings
so everyone gets the chance to train.
Every member will need to get a headset with a microphone
since this is essential for training and for playing clanwars.
Without a headset you will not be able to train or to participate
in the upcoming clanwars. Our main language will be english
since most members master that language, but if there are
at least 4 people who speak the same language, we can
create a subdivision for their own language. Why 4 ?
Because you need 1 engineer, a medic, a fieldops and a Covert Ops/Soldier
to create a fireteam. On 8 vs 8 we will have 2 fireteams of 4 each.
If we have an opponent with more than 8 players, we can use SPQR
server and password protect it. If there is need for every clan member
to participate in a training, we will use SPQR server as well.
Our game will be ETPRO since this is the mod for clanwars.
When we are ready, we will join a ladder on Clanbase.

You might have noticed we also have an RTCW server running.
Those of you who have the game (with official CD key) and
want to be in RTCW division can PM me.
If there is a large enough interest we will play clanwars in RTCW as well.
^((TDA^))Guerna(B)onWednesday 09 August 2006 - 12:59:00
comment: 0

Come On Pal Enlist
Member's Birthdays:
No birthdays today

Next birthdays
07/08 Wolf Pack (68)
21/08 ^((TDA^))Macio(PL) (34)
22/08 tazumi (31)
23/08 ((TDA))Pgubacso(RS) (67)


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[07 Jul : 17:40]
Salut Rik, et ben oui Sylvain est de retour. Allez un de ces quatres Rik.
[01 Jul : 22:56]
Ha merci Hey biscuits de retour ?
[05 Jun : 12:28]
Vielen Dank Christian
[03 Jun : 14:10]

Hello William,

[18 Apr : 18:36]

to Ricwar and Batista
bonne fete et de la Santée ,Bonne journée a vous deux .
[20 Mar : 18:36]

I thank you so much for your good wishes!
[27 Feb : 00:20]
allo Christian
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag !
[26 Feb : 20:35]
Cris, a very late birthday wish from holland
[24 Feb : 15:55]
hallo Christian
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag !

Happy Birthday Cris

[24 Feb : 00:06]
Happy birthday Chris-D50

[01 Jan : 21:29]

Happy New Year everyone.
Bonne annee a vous tous .
[01 Jan : 20:38]
best wishes from Holland
[01 Jan : 19:04]
I'm missing Otto..
[01 Jan : 13:34]
I like to wish all the TDA members and their family a splashing, healthyb and prosperous 2024!
[01 Jan : 12:31]

Happy New Year everyone.
Best wishes for the new year 2024. Good helth and all you can wish for.

Webiste TDA-BELGIUM.BE designed by Guerna